Millionlights UK - Presents MCAP (TM), The Millionlights Career Assistance Program for learners in India.
We will train you and assist you to get placed with our pool of our partner companies.
What is MCAP?

We have partnered with the top tech brands in India and will be working closely with them in their recruitment and skilling process.
MCAP is our learner centric model that will assist candidates in getting industry skills and and applying for these open jobs via Millionlights.
Our Cloud Engineer Bootcamp intro video. A part of our MCAP Series.
Some FAQ's about Our Career Assistance Program
What is MCAP and how will it benefit learners?
MCAP is our ecosystem that connects learners, hiring companies and talent creating companies.
There is an urgent need for talent in the global markets, we produce that talent and deserving candidates are given an opportunity to interview with the best Indian tech and non tech majors
Read More on what we are bringing to the Indian Learner here -
Want to apply?
Sit for our exam -
Do Note: The Cloud Engineer Course is for freshers only
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